Why do we need the Closet Feminist?

Looking at the world today, we see that gender inequality pervades different levels of society. Sexual abuse in the workplace and at home is still rampant. There are disparities between men and women when it comes to their salary and how they are treated in society. Even within Canada, gender equality has not been fully achieved. The Closet Feminist works to change that.

Who we are?

We, at the Closest Feminist, aim to empower girls and women and to reach out to those who have suffered from abuse, discrimination and mistreatment. We aim to build a better world for women to stand freely and work without fear. There are no limitations when it comes to us because we accept women of all sexual orientations. We want all women and girls to express themselves to the fullest and embrace who they are.

What we do?

 Our programs are intended to improve the working and living conditions of women around the country. We fund projects organized by the government and non-government organizations that address four key issues: gender-based violence, women’s place in the workplace, women empowerment and holistic economic development for women.

These efforts are supported by our team of volunteers and leaders, who have committed their time and hard work to ensuring that women in Canada can have equitable living standards.

Help us now

With your donations and volunteering efforts, you can help us reach a better future for our fellow women to have.